4 Natural Remedies for Spring Allergies

35 million Americans suffer from Spring allergies every year with allergic reactions such as sneezing, a runny nose, eye irritation and cough.

Of course, over the counter medication is an option that one can avail but they come with side effects of their own.


So instead, here are 4 natural remedies for spring allergies that are worth trying if you have spring allergies:


#1: Garlic

Quercetin, a compound found in this vegetable, tends to replicate the antihistamine effects of certain drugs. So, if it is added to your diet, then you might just avoid the spring allergies altogether. Other sources include onions and apples.


#2: Thyme

Considered to be an excellent expectorant, it can relieve phlegm production in spring allergies. Since it has such a good reputation for relieving spring allergies, some companies include this herb so as to offer decongestion benefit. The reason for its effectiveness is because of its ability to fight infections caused by phlegm.


#3: Elderberries

Rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients, elderberries are very effective in the fight against flu. Since it strengthens the immune system, it combats colds well while speeding up the recovery process. Drinking it as a fresh juice brings out its anti-inflammatory effects as well.


#4: Cayenne Pepper

Much like garlic, this veggie also contains quercetin, which has antihistamine properties. But that’s not all – it also has anti-inflammatory that can help you avoid nasal and throat infections too. In fact, some people prefer using this veggie instead of garlic because of the heat it produces and that eliminates the irritation caused by allergens.

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