Self-Help Tips for Treating Anxiety Disorder with Natural Remedies

Self-Help Tips for Treating Anxiety Disorder with Natural Remedies

Article by Gaetane Ross

There are other ways that anxiety disorder sufferers can do on their own to treat their illness, such as the natural and non-drug remedies outlined in this article. While these remedies are not substitutes for professional opinions and treatments, they may be used in conjunction with or as a supplement to the therapy and medication that a doctor may already prescribe.

The purpose of using natural remedies and turning to self-help tips for the treatment of anxiety disorder is to give the patient a certain amount of control in dealing with this illness. Many natural remedies are also gentler and easier to integrate into everyday routines while also promoting overall bodily and mental health.

Here are some of the self-help tips and natural remedies with which to manage anxiety disorder:

Change your diet

Food can affect the body in many ways and the proper diet can help ease certain symptoms of anxiety disorder. Many of the physical symptoms that a person suffers from may be the result of vitamin and mineral deficiency. As such, it is important that a balanced and sensible diet be implemented.

Intake of certain foods such as caffeine, nicotine and salt should also be controlled. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants and can increase the adrenal response of the body. This reaction has the potential to cause nervousness, agitation, insomnia and anxiety. Salt should also be avoided or taken in moderation. It decreases the amount of potassium in the body, a mineral that is essential for the normal functions of the nervous system.

Take vitamin supplements

Certain vitamins and minerals aid the body in performing at its best. Some of them are quite helpful in fighting certain symptoms of anxiety disorder naturally. These include B-complex vitamins, magnesium and calcium. By providing the means with which to help the body relax and function properly, certain physical symptoms of the disorder are eliminated.

Use traditional herbal medicines

Some herbs have been used for many years as treatment for some forms of anxiety disorder. Chamomile tea, for example, is known to calm nerves and help in relaxation. Other herbs such as kava, St. John’s wort, skullcap and hops are also quite common in herbal tonics.

A caveat: there is very little scientific evidence to prove that these herbs are as effective as reported. When using herbal medicines, find out exactly what the side effects are and purchase only from reputable herbal shops. It is also extremely important not to combine herbal medicines with any prescription drugs, especially anti-depressants.

Try aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has been in use for thousands of years and is still considered as one of the best natural ways to induce relaxation and relieve stress, frustration and anxiety. Some scents and herbs that are used for this purpose include lavender, bergamot, frankincense, lime, jasmine, ylang ylang, sandalwood and cypress.

Relax with self-hypnosis or meditation

Self-hypnosis and meditation have been known as very effective ways of relaxing the body and clearing the mind. As treatment for anxiety disorder, meditation and self-hypnosis help reduce associated symptoms such as increased heart and respiration rate, blood pressure and muscle tension.

Meditation, self-hypnosis and other relaxation techniques can also induce better and deeper sleep and decrease incidents of headaches, migraines and other physical discomfort. A 20 to 30-minute session performed daily can help attain a general feeling of well being and ease, allowing an anxiety disorder sufferer to be in control of his responses to anxiety attacks.

Structured problem solving

The problem with anxiety disorders is that it is an illness that needs to be healed from within. You already have all the powers of control. All you have to do is to put yourself together long enough to determine how you can actively solve the problem.

Learn to break a problem into smaller parts. Determine how each part may be solved and then perform a solution. By breaking a problem down into manageable components, you will realize that it’s not too big or that it’s not threatening at all. This technique helps manage milder forms of depression and generalized anxiety disorder.

Find a support group

Even non-drug therapies used for the treatment of anxiety disorder also include family groups and support groups. At a time when an illness can be overwhelming, it is very important that a person who suffers from anxiety disorder should have a support network of family, friends and medical practitioners he can trust and depend on for the duration of his treatment. He can also get in touch with community organizations that offer support and counseling.

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About the Author

Gaetane Ross is a Certified Natural Health Consultant who has spent over 4 years focusing on Nutrition and Health. She also specializes in Alternative Medicine, Spiritual Healing and Healthy Lifestyle. Please visit Gaetane’s website for Professional Health Advice or Nutritional information at:

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