Fix Premature Ejaculation. Natural Remedies To The Rescue.

Fix Premature Ejaculation. Natural Remedies To The Rescue.

Article by Victor

Natural remedies are always a better long term option for any ailment as they take away the risks associated with side effects of medicines. This is why many men turn to natural cures to fix premature ejaculation.

The causes for this problem are usually linked to stress, psychological factors or physical conditions such as infections of the urinary tract or inflammation of the prostrate gland. In most of these cases, using natural remedies can help fix premature ejaculation.

How To Fix Premature Ejaculation

Where stress or the lack of emotion in the relationship with the partner is the main cause of premature ejaculation, reducing stress can help in relaxing the person and taking the weight and worry of sexual performance away. In such cases, using natural remedies that help relieve stress such as Hibiscus extract can help in relaxing the person and keep him connected to his emotions thereby helping to fix premature ejaculation problems.

Similarly, if a physical condition such as infection or inflammation is the main cause of the issue then application or consumption of natural remedies can help fix premature ejaculation. A popular remedy for treating premature ejaculation is to apply oil of Angelica directly on to the penis.

If the problem is due to an inflamed prostrate then massaging around the area with castor oil can help. There are also certain herbs or natural ingredients that can be consumed to help treat this condition. These include drinking a mixture of saffron and almond, a solution of water mixed with green onion seeds, the well known herb ginseng as well as Ho Shou Wu – another Chinese herb. Another popular remedy is to massage the penis with certain herbs or ingredients that help in increasing circulation and hence enhancing sexual performance and control. Massaging with a few drops of mustard oil added to sesame oil is considered effective.

These natural remedies have several advantages as they are easy to try and do not have any negative effect on the person’s health as is the case with long term consumption of medication and pills.

While some natural remedies may have a mild side effect, these usually disappear with regular use as the body adjusts to the ingredients. Many natural remedies are also available over the counter to provide the convenience of not having to mix up ingredients at home. You can either choose to make your own remedies at home or buy them off the shelf to fix premature ejaculation problems.

About the Author

I’ve search the net for months in order to find the best solution and this is by far the best one I found… Trully! Click HERE to find out!

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